Monday, July 21, 2014

Thursday was BIG!

 Late Wednesday, after VBS, we began to prepare for Thursday. We received a truckload of cement (120 pound bags) gravel and sand. We were ready for a big, big day on Thursday.

Thursday morning dawned bright and clear. First order of the day was to start putting in the cross braces and under-layment to support the concrete we would be pouring on the ramp. The construction methods are very different than what any of us were used to, but there is one thing we know. This building and this ramp will stand for many, many years.

Our team jumped in to cut the wire panels, braces and sheet metal for the under-layment.

This is what the ramp structure looks like from the second floor of the new building. It is quite large.

We had a lot of work going on in a pretty small area. 

While part of the team was focused on the ramp, others were continuing the work painting the protective coating on all the steel beams. This will prevent them from rusting in the humid air.

We worked hard to leave the work site cleaner and safer than how we found it. Notice how the concrete beams in the background have the smooth surface chipped away up to about 18 inches from the tops. without something taller to stand on we couldn't get any higher than that.

The lowest section of the ramp just about ready for concrete.

Every weld received a coat of the protective paint. With only one welding machine the process was a bit slow, but anything our team could help with was covered. 

We went as a team and ended up an extended family with the people of their church.

One of the items from VBS was this ring toss game. The kids LOVED it and engaged everyone in many rounds of the game. This is Allejandro distributing the rings and getting the players all lined up.

The men swept and mopped the church, then set up the chairs for the Thursday evening service. Ladies, if your hubby doesn't clean at home, here is proof they are actually quite good at it! (Sorry guys…)

After lunch on Thursday we had our Devotions. Everyone had a turn for a day saying the prayers, choosing verses and leading the discussions. We laughed, we cried, we shared and grew. The hard work was not only on the building, but also in our hearts and souls.

to be continued……..

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