Thursday, July 17, 2014


This joy is palpable! 
Pastor Walter, his wife Maria, the kitchen ladies, our co-workers all radiate joy! 
Though their lives are more difficult than ours on many different levels, their joy is magnetic.

One is drawn to their smiles and to their eyes filled with joy, the joy that only God can give!! Pastor Walter has told us people live longer in Costa Rica because of their joy. The demographic data on Costa Rica backs Pastor Walter up!!

One immediately thinks of Paul's letter to the Christians in Philippi. He says to them, "Rejoice in the word always. I will say it again: rejoice!" 
Our joy as Christians comes from the grace and love  Jesus has for each and every one of us.

The people of Costa Rica have taught this long-tenured Christian something he had forgotten-- true joy. Authentic joy comes from God alone. So often we get lost along the road of commitments, promotions, family life that we detour onto the road of emptiness from the avenue of authentic joy.  Our detour happens often without us even noticing. And when we finally notice, we regret the time gone by. We wonder can I find my way back to the avenue of authentic joy? 

Paul gives us the good news! Rejoice in The Lord always. Always, one word in a myriad of words in the New Testament, shows us the way back. Always, in Paul's own language, the language of the New Testament, has in it a measure of continuing action, something that happened in the past can continue in the future.

Wildwood, if you find yourself having wandered off the avenue of authentic joy, you can find your way back no matter the detour you are following! Stop!! Stop the car of your life. Rejoice in the word always! Rejoice! The road back, friends, begins simply in your rejoicing with your savior. Maybe it's for a sunset, a sunrise, a friend, a child, a church, a cold glass of water on a hot, humid Texas day. Rejoice!

Our Costa Rica brothers and sisters have taught us the way to a long and fulfilling life is to rejoice always! Their smiles beam that truth. Their eyes shine that truth. Rejoice always! I say again, REJOICE!!

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