Monday, July 21, 2014

Introduction to the Costa Rica Team, Part 1

Our leader, Rev. Josh Hubert. 
What makes a great leader? 
One who leads by example. 
Josh is a great leader. 

CJ Locklear. Father of three wonderful young men, dedicated to helping those in our community. He was a force to be reckoned with at the work site. His height and strength were instrumental in achieving our goals. His smile lights up everyone around him.
Ron Douglas. Sometimes call 'The Amen Man' for his deep-voiced heartfelt amens during church service. He provided so much strength, booth physically and emotionally to the team. His faith shines like a beacon to all around him. Many could learn a lesson by following his lead.
Brandi Douglas, daughter of Ron and Regina. She has been participating in mission trips since she was in junior high. She has an amazing connection to the children in Costa Rica. None of the kids will ever forget her, and I am sure she will never forget them. She has the heart of a missionary and we should keep a close watch as this young woman changes the world around us in the future.

Chandler Locklear, son of CJ. As the youngest team member at 16 (almost 17) years of age, he showed us that age is only a number. He worked hard, prayed hard, and has an insight many years beyond his age. This is a young man with a stellar future.

Regina Douglas. Wife of Ron, mother of Brandi. Regina immediately felt a deep connection to the women of the church that served in the kitchen. She made a special effort to assist them, support them, and cherish them and it was most appreciated. She has a quiet grace about her that can only be attributed to God.

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